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Sisters Saluting International Women's Month 2018

March 8, 2018 marked the focal point of women’s voices speaking up in recognition of women’s undeniable rights. Women, supported by men, rallied, and fought for their rights beginning with the suffrage movement of the 1800s. Today’s flood of nation-wide rallies, #Me Too, Time’s Up and marches held across the land are more than just demonstrations. Historically in this country, great movements gave birth to change of injustices that could no longer go unaddressed.

This 21st Century crusade addresses every corner of the intersection. It not only opens dialogue, but stirs action. It garners results that benefit the future of young women in this country and worldwide. It is a unity not seen in decades. It is the struggle that encompasses every womb, every breast, every heart, every head of hair, every buttock, every hip. It is for every female silenced because of their gender, ridiculed for their emotions, or chastised for their indecisiveness--which in most cases is not indecisiveness but intuitive waiting on a decision. It includes women with no means to women with all the means. It reaches those under the bridge asleep to those atop the penthouse wide awake. It addresses the homeless, the homeowner, the renter, and the roommate.

This movement of united voices will not be silenced by dismissive chatter or negative press. It will not be beat down by the naysayers of the media or the public officials on the platform. It’s a feeling of liberty and freedom not seen in years past, and this liberty will not ebb away with the excitement of the moment. This struggle will continue uphill until the apex of equality, recognition, balance, and appreciation are accomplished. This is not a “women’s lib’ movement. We were born liberated. The restrictive, constrictive, oppressive attitudes against women came from those who don’t have a womb. Those who cannot physically experience giving birth to something alive. The pangs of childbirth produce a raw strength in women that causes a wail in pain, but also a shout for joy.

This movement acknowledges those men who are and have been talking, walking, running, and working, alongside us. Those men who stand strong with wives, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, nieces, and friends. Those men who recognize women’s value and contributions in this world.

The deep love women have for life continually births newness of life, and a tenacity and resolve to say to ourselves “one day things will change – so imma keep on keepin on!“ This love for life is the impetus to keep us optimistic. It’s the compassion that helps us to hold out hope for a wayward child. It’s the love that never turns its back on a need. Sisters reaching out to sisters, women reaching out to women, mothers reaching out to mothers. Continue the struggle -- acknowledge the beauty of womanhood. Fight the frustration of second-class citizenship. Demand equal treatment. Recognized each other’s strength, and acknowledge your sisters as peers. And, even when downgraded, denigrated, humiliated, and intimated hold out hope for each other. Be that haven for your sister while she going through. Reach out when she needs a helping hand, listening ear, or a caring heart. By lifting her up you are lifting yourself up too. The same pangs you feel she feels too. The same joys you experience she experiences too. We are unique in creation, we are unique in our communities and in our homes. There is no one else like you! No one with your talents, gifts, and abilities. Celebrate each other, find something to applaud, salute or compliment. Again, I say, by so doing you will be lifting yourself up as well.

WE SALUTE YOU women across all spectrums. Love your sister as you love yourself. Continue to strengthen one another, hold one another up and esteem one another. Continue to give voice to the struggle for equality, the inalienable rights we have been covertly denied, and recognize your sister standing next to you is one more strong brick in the building. She stands beside you not as a weak link but as a strong, capable woman. By her presence and her voice, she makes a great contribute to the movement!

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